Third Trimester Pregnancy Update

This pregnancy is absolutely flying by. With my last pregnancy, I was so aware of every single moment. Every kick, every milestone, every week I was checking my app to see what vegetable my child most resembled. This time, I am constantly forgetting how far along I am. The first trimester dragggggggged on(thank you hyperemesis), but around week 20(so I guess half way through the second trimester), things started looking up.


So, if you’ve been following along since my last pregnancy, you know that I had absolutely horrible hyperemesis gravidarum when I was pregnant with Bastian. I threw up multiple times a day until the moment I pushed him out 8 days after his due date. To be frank, it sucked. I was terrified to get pregnant again. I had some mild PTSD from my last pregnancy, and so we were worried that my body would have a difficult time handling another pregnancy. We went into it expecting the worst.

Luckily, this pregnancy hasn’t been as hard as the last one was. Hard? Absolutely. At currently 34 weeks pregnant, baby is really low and constantly putting pressure on my pelvis. I apologize if this is TMI for anyone, BUT, I am down to only vomiting roughly once a day now. This is a huuuuuuuge step up from last time(I was still needing somewhat regular IV treatments at this point in my last pregnancy).

Weight gain

Gaining weight during pregnancy is a rough thing to deal with. Gaining weight is a normal part of pregnancy, and I know that. But coming from a background of having BD and an eating disorder, sometimes gaining weight, even when I know it is necessary and helpful, seeing the number go up on the scale is rough. We are reaching the point where I am going to start having Seth check the scale for me to tell my midwife, because I truly just don’t want to know! I’m at about a 25 pound gain currently(since I know I will get asked), and my midwife recommends I gain at least 30 pounds with my body type. With Bastian, I gained 50 pounds, so. I expect somewhere around there, and that is GREAT. I am excited to feed my body everything it needs to grow a beautiful and healthy baby boy.

Family updates

Truthfully, my pregnancy is going pretty well. I am able to function and do everything I need to in a day. I’m exhausted with an aching back by the end of the day. But Seth gladly rubs the knots out of my back and helps me foam roll my sciatica every night before I go to bed.

Bastian still doesn’t seem to fully understand the concept of a baby coming to be with our family forever, but I’m not really nervous! He understands there is a baby in my belly, I just don’t think he realizes it will be leaving my belly haha. He loves to cuddle on the belly, though, and sometimes gets annoyed when I am cuddling with him before bed and the baby kicks him. He’ll always sit up and look at me and stay “stop” before cuddling back against my belly. Sorry bud, I have noooo control over that.

We are soo excited for this baby to get here in September. And I am anxiously counting down the weeks until he is here!

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