This new stage of life that Bastian is entering is so exciting. Not so excited about the teething, if I’m being honest. But definitely excited about the rest of it. But there are so many parts of the last few months that I don’t want to forget. I think every stage of his little life is so different, and I want to be able to look back and celebrate the newborn stage.
-The way his little lips suck after he’s fallen asleep.
-How tiny his fingers are.
-His ability to fall asleep easily no matter where he is or how loud it is(I’m already starting to miss this).
-How his huge eyes seemed a little too big for his face. His surprised expression is probably one of my favorite parts of the newborn stage.
-How good natured he is.
-His cute bald head. He had an old man hair cut for a while, when he balded on the top but kept it allll on the sides.
– Him fitting in his moses basket to sleep at night.
– Wanting to nurse for comfort. I don’t know how much longer he’ll want me as his main source of comfort, and I know I’ll miss it.
-The way he would fall asleep on my chest. He’s slowly getting more independent, and I’m already missing the days where he dozed on my chest most of the day.
-His red eyebrows. We have a sneaking suspicion that he might end up as a redhead. If we’re wrong, I never want to forget that his eyebrows were red.
-How he won’t sit in his swing, but loves being propped up in the corner of the couch.
-That he has been able to hold his head up since he was two days old. He is always so alert and interested in what’s going on around him.
I’m trying really hard to embrace the next stages of Bastian’s life. He has been the sweetest newborn. He never spit up, he slept like an angel(he rarely gets up more than twice a night), and he rarely cries. I constantly tell Seth that we were given a perfect baby to make up for how difficult my pregnancy was. Now that the newborn stage is coming to a close, I’m looking forward to everything moving forward. I know being Bastian’s mom is just going to get more and more fun.