Project You & Me: 12 Months

I blinked, and now Bastian is a toddler. How am I the mother of a toddler? Him growing up definitely comes with a unique set of challenges but we are loving every day with him. He’s cut 8 teeth, and didn’t give us a break for even a second before starting to work on the 9th. He’s taken a few steps, but is taking his time to start actually walking places. I’m sad to see his first year of life be finished, but I’m so so excited for all of the years to come. 


-Still love Trolls, but have started to add Moana into your very short list of favorite movies/shows.

-Got smothered with love from all of your friends and family this weekend for your birthday, and you were just soaking it up.

-Love organizing. You put all your toys back in your basket when you’re done, even if it’s just to dump them all out and start over again.

-Love sneezes. If one of us sneeze, you laugh and laugh and laugh. Your new favorite is when the new dog, Millie, sneezes.

-Don’t want to give up nursing. Our plan was to start a slow weaning process after your first birthday, but I think somehow you knew. After every nap, you just want to cuddle and nurse for hours.

-Being outdoors is your favorite. If you’re sad, I know I just need to sit on the porch with you to calm you down.

-Enjoy eating so so much. You always try new foods, and you make the cutest faces when something tastes different than you expected.



-About to launch the summer line for Juniper Oak(stay tuned because that should be released tomorrow!).

-Never still or not working for a single moment.

-Trying to overcome the mom guilt when I need to leave or do something for myself. I anticipated that getting a bit easier but so far, it hasn’t really.

-Suddenly a very Utah mom that wants to go to sodalicious multiple times a week. My waistline is in trouble.

-Grateful for the break from constantly watching Trolls, but now I have the Moana soundtrack running through my head all night, and I don’t like that much better.

-Also grateful to be surrounded by such loving friends and family this weekend. It was incredible to see everyone get together to celebrate Bastian.

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