-No teeth yet! What the hell. Teething started at 2 and half months, so we’re honestly constantly surprised that you don’t have teeth yet.
-Learned how to sit up by yourself. I cried a little. Now you’ll just sit and play for so long.
-Trying really hard to crawl. You inch yourself around and are definitely mobile, but haven’t figured out how to coordinate the lower half of your body with the upper half. Fine by me, please stay little for a little while longer.
-Eating like a champ. You’ve slowed down the amount of milk you want every day and I’ll be honest, I was really sad about that for a few days. Even though our plan is to start weaning at 12 months, I love breastfeeding and you starting to wean yourself made me kinda sad for a few days. I guess that’s the whole point of baby led weaning, though.
-Favorite foods are broccoli, asparagus, french toast(sans syrup), and spaghetti. And also pretty much everything that I give you. You love every single food I’ve given you and I feel SO blessed that you’re starting off as such a good eater.
-Started sleeping through the night again! But then we switched you to a transitional swaddle and ruined that.
-Babbling and trying to talk all day. Your favorite sounds are “rararararara” and “bababababababa”. We’re working really hard with mama and dada, but no luck.
-Gave up trying to go to Pure Barre. I was really just feeling guilty everyday that I couldn’t get myself there. I love Pure Barre and hope that once our schedule gets a tad bit more flexible, that I’ll be able to go back. But for now, I get my exercise by going on daily walks with Bastian, and workouts at home with my baby(inspired by Simply Sadie Jane).
-Working non-stop, it feels like. I like being busy, though. I feel like if I had less projects going on, I’d find new projects to fill my time with. I get restless if I’m not working or doing something.
-Also working on expanding another section of this website/starting a new business venture. A few people have been helping me getting things going, but I don’t want to jinx it here just in case things don’t go the way I plan. Buuuut you can expect to see some announcements about it in the next month or so.
-Loves being a mom. It’s hard work, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.