I used to scoff at people who had dedicated office spaces in their home, unless they owned a large company. You can use your computer in any room of the house, and often, I work best when I work in a cafe(currently reporting live from La Barba, my favorite cafe). But having that dedicated office space is so important. When I walk upstairs, I know I’m working. I have my to do list in front of me and I am ready to absolutely conquer it.
Just as important as having a dedicated office space, is making sure that you love that office space. If you don’t like spending time there, then you won’t. It’s as simple as that. Half of the office is for Seth, and he has a separate desk with his computer. But as for my half, I wanted something besides just the racks of clothing to define it as my space.
I did a little bit of searching, and found some pieces that felt entirely like me. When I head up to my office, it feels like me. It’s comfy, and cozy, and probably most importantly, it’s cute. Don’t underestimate how important your space being cute is.
One of my favorite things about this space, is the metal posters I have hung above my desk. They’re from Displate. They have one of the widest ranges of wall decor I’ve ever seen, and I’ve been considering ordering a few for Seth’s side of the office.
This post was sponsored by Displate. All opinions are my own.