I think this is a difficult thing to balance! You want your blog and instagram to be real, but you still want your photos to be appealing. Pictures of your sink full of dirty dishes isn’t pretty. I try to keep a balance by making sure that I talk about the real experiences in my life. I also never post about a product or item that I don’t genuinely like. Social Media and blogging can be really fake sometimes, even without meaning to. I think a little bit of transparency is good.
One of my favorite things to do on Twitter, is to post an “Instagram vs Reality” photo. The cute photo of my kid that I’d post on Instagram, but also one of the goofy ones that happened before I managed to get the cute one. You know, the ones that are out of focus. Or where my baby is sneezing, drooling, or otherwise making a weird/sad face.
Like when you’re trying to take a cute photo of your baby napping, but he senses that you’re there and wakes up in a hungry rage.
Or the fake candid photos. Casually playing with my baby, I didn’t even notice there was a camera? And in reality, everything isn’t edited and color corrected to be aesthetically pleasing.
90% of the time that I take a photo, I clean the area that I’ll be taking the photo by shoving everything away. So my house may look tidy, but it really isn’t.
I really, truly wish that I was one of those moms who had the time/energy to entertain her baby and play with him constantly. But here we are, watching veggie tales so I can eat breakfast and focus on my to do list.
I don’t ever want to be inauthentic on my blog. Photos don’t always represent the way things really are. A bloggers life is never always put together and beautiful all the time. No matter how hard I try, or wish.
My t shirt | Jeans | Flannel