He has really started to gain a personality. Everyone always told me that being a mom would just get more fun the older he got, and I didn’t want to believe them. I adored the newborn stage, but now that he’s a little bit older(I know he’s still a baby, I promise!) he is getting so fun! He’s recognizing his name, smiling and tracking things with his eyes, and is seriously the happiest baby!
Bastian still hasn’t slept through the night yet, but I know it’ll probably be a few more months til he does! He’s sleeping pretty well, still just getting up 1-2 times a night unless he’s going through a growth spurt.
At his 6 week appointment, he’d gained 3 pounds! It’s been almost 3 weeks since then, and he’s definitely gotten bigger. I just don’t know how he keeps getting so big!
This last week we learned that he loooooves sitting up. If we prop him up in the corner of the couch, he is a happy camper and will sit there and let me write or work next to him until he gets tired and wants to be put down for a nap. He really just likes being upright.
He also has developed really great walking reflexes. If he’s fussy and we stand him up, he’ll immediately calm down and start moving and walking his legs. He’s a mobile little guy, and we know that before we know it he’s going to be crawling and scooting all over our house and I don’t know if I’m ready for that.
Bastian hates his car seat! Or rather, he hates being buckled in his car seat. If we’re at home and getting ready to leave and I set him in his carseat, he’s happy. Until I buckle him. Which is such a bummer, because that makes it almost impossible to drive him somewhere by myself. I’m definitely hoping that this is something he grows out of!
So many crazy things happened this week, and Bastian was such a trooper through all of it! I had to get an appendectomy on Monday, and he ended up having to spend the night with my mom. I was so grateful that my mom was in town so she could watch him, though! It was hard, but I guess now we have the first night away from Bastian out of the way, so we’re ready for a vacation, right? 😉